Aug 9, 2010

Eternal Pain.

There are times when I'm between two worlds.Sometimes my breathing problems,makes me feel far of this land.I think that not be able to breathing is one of the worst thing I can feel.
Anyway,I have to live with this illness forever.Luckily,this problem only happens some days.
Well,this one reflects when air doesn't reach easily my brain.When my body is so tired to be standing.


Marina NOSTROMO said...

At such moments the fear for a hand drags you to any unknown page, and only the reason tries will grasp something familiar and constant in this world... That it is impossible to see, but it is possible to feel. Thanks, Jon...

jon puga said...

Thank you so much for your words.It makes me happy read your comments,they are so deep and sensitive.

Fickle Cattle said...

I love your work. Dark, and powerful. It also reminds me of comics.

jon puga said...

Thank you for your comment."Dark,and powerful" I like that.Darkness is a way to find light.

Anonymous said...
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jon puga said...

Thank you Tacymarie.

agatheloff said...

Amazing work! Love it

jon puga said...

Thank you.I'm glad you like it.

Ruthie Ruhnke said...

I LOVE your Art! :) ~Ruthie

Ruthie Ruhnke said...

LOVE! Very good art

jon puga said...

Thank you so much,Ruthie!!